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Understanding Your Goals
Storyboarding is the first step of our work process. We discuss the presentation objectives with you, gather reference materials and assets, conduct an industry survey, and apply best practices to identify key messages.
Creating Structure
In the same way an essay needs an introduction, supporting points, and conclusion, so does your presentation. With your objectives in mind, we take a close look at all your material and organize your points into a clear and compelling story.
Moodboards for Visual Guidance
Communicating visual ideas can be challenging without a design background. To convey tone and aesthetic direction, we can create mood boards from existing designs, photographs, fonts, illustrations, and color schemes. This makes it easy for you to identify what you like and don’t like, and gives you a sense of the visual style before we work on the real content.
Presenters can get lost building their slides one by one without a clear view of the big picture.
If presentations are touched by multiple people, there's a risk of losing the story and structure.
Our presentation experts can help organize content in a logical slide-by-slide sequence to ensure your story and key messages are impactful and stay intact.